American Water Spaniel

enthusiastic, friendly, playful

dogs in the archive
Welcome to the American Water Spaniel Breed Archive, a place for American Water Spaniel lovers, breed enthusiasts and pedigree addicts.
Creators of The Breed Archive


Country of origin: USA
Breed group: Retrievers, Flushing Dogs, Water Dogs - Group 8 (FCI); Sporting Group (AKC)


Size: small/medium
Coat: marcel to curly
Colour: brown
Life expectancy: 10-14 years


Active, athletic and friendly genuine lover of water with the need to exercise regularly.

All-round hunter

The official State Dog of Wisconsin was the first breed developed in the US as an all-around hunter that could retrieve from boats.
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I have been around dogs since the late 1950s and can only imagine what it would have meant to have this resource available then.
Bo Bengtson - breeder and Whippet expert, USA
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